Monday, December 27, 2010

Winding Down...

How is everyone recouping from the holiday rush? I know that I needed a couple of these to relax and unwind...

Yummmmm! What  helps rejuvenate you after a busy period of time? I know that along with my chocolate treats I should probably find a relaxation yoga class to join. RY really helps me to de-stress!


lindsay said...

that hot chocolate looks delicious! i love me some hot coacoa for sure :)

hmmm to relax i usually pick up my guitar and play for a little bit, but i also love to snuggle by the fire and watch a movie :)

i hope your holiday was everything you wanted and more!


Miss Sara said...

Hot Chocolate is one of my fave things!

I spent the day SLEEPING, trying to re-coup. I also try to read when I need to relax.

Take care!

Meg O. said...

YUMMMMMM. Yoga is a great way for me to de-stres. I wish I did more during the holidays, but I was eating instead. Oh well! Only three days til January!