Friday, December 3, 2010

Jazz It Up Give Aways

I have some exciting news about Jazz It Up. This weekend two bloggers are going to be featuring a piece from my line as part of a give-away to their readers! If that isn't cool enough, they happen to be two of my favorite bloggers.

Le Chateau Des Fleurs by Frenchy will be giving away my nature lovers necklace-

Frenchy will have it posted late Saturday night but it will be considered a Sunday give-away...she wants to avoid posting on Sunday (Sabbath) which I totally respect.

Next, Allison at Curvy Girl Chic will be giving out my purple quartz necklace-

She isn't exactly sure what date she will have the give away up and running but she was hoping for sometime this weekend.

Keep your eyes on these fabulous blogs for more details. I highly recommend following Frenchy and Curvy Girl...they are both fantastic bloggers with hearts of gold. Love 'em both!


debwagner said...

Yes! I can't wait, I will for sure be entering!

Meg O. said...

YAY! How fun!

SM said...

I am your new follower. Would love for you to follow back!

Maria said...

Awesome! I will check out those blogs.

Unknown said...

Hope it helps you !!! Thank you also for talking about me. You are so darn adorable !

Ms Kayso said...

thats really cool. I love that nature necklace. That is really pretty!

Betty Manousos said...

So pretty!
New follower from Pink Dandy Chatter blog hop.
And I am a dreamer too!
Nice to meet you and have a great remainder of your weekend!

B :)